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    • quiverfull
        Post count: 37

        My new/old Howatt Hunter makes a creaking sound, like the string is rubbing in the string nocks or something. There is no lack of integrity of the bow itself, i.e.cracks etc. I intend to put some string groove silencers on soon, but I’m not sure they will help. Any ideas? ❓ JB

      • Ralph
          Post count: 2580

          Have you used bowstring wax on your string including the loops and in the grooves in the tips?

          I see people waxing their strings but not putting any on the tips cause it gets wax on their bow when they unstring it. But other than the nocking point on the string perhaps, the loops get the most wear and tear.

          Maybe that’ll help you noise a bit.

          Buena suerta 😀

        • Stephen Graf
            Post count: 2428

            I am assuming the creaking sound is coming during the draw…

            Thumbs up to what R2 said.

            Additional things to check:

            – do you have a quiver on the bow? Look to that too.

            – Leather tab/glove can make creak too if new. Sound can seem to come from string.

          • Doc Nock
              Post count: 1150

              I had one bowyer suggest there is sometimes a minute flexation in the limb pockets…and to try some string wax on the locator pin… or thin felt on the limb pocket of the riser…

            • quiverfull
                Post count: 37

                sounds to me like it is coming from the limb tip area. I will try waxing the loops like R2 suggested (muchas gracias, amigo).

                bow is a one piece, so that eliminates limb/riser interface issues. I have a well broken in glove, but I will have someone listen to that while I draw, too.

                Thanks, guys…JB

              • Vintage Archer
                  Post count: 276

                  Some times the problem is the wax on the string ….When the string is pulled away from the limbs when drawing there is a noise from the waxed string lifting off of the string grooves on the limb.

                  Hard to say with out hearing the sound .Trying every suggestion should help locate the cause. Have fun wishing I was there I just love this sort of stuff LOL:D:D

                  Placing some masking tape on the limb over the string grooves on both limbs temporarily might tell if they are problem

                • Vintage Archer
                    Post count: 276

                    sorry double post

                  • quiverfull
                      Post count: 37

                      vintage archer wrote: Some times the problem is the wax on the string ….When the string is pulled away from the limbs when drawing there is a noise from the waxed string lifting off of the string grooves on the limb.

                      Hard to say with out hearing the sound .Trying every suggestion should help locate the cause. Have fun wishing I was there I just love this sort of stuff LOL:D:D

                      Placing some masking tape on the limb over the string grooves on both limbs temporarily might tell if they are problem

                      So, wax on, wax off. Hai. When you say string grooves, should I include the grooves at the very tips where the loops go? That’ll be exciting with a 60# recurve! Maybe I’ll wait until my 24 year old son comes home from AK to help with that.

                      Tell you what, if it’s any cooler where you are, I might just bring it! I hate summer in GA, and it ain’t really even hot yet. Thanks, I will try this…JB

                    • Ralph
                        Post count: 2580

                        That’s where we’re talking to put the wax, where the loops are in the grove at the tips. 😀

                      • Vintage Archer
                          Post count: 276

                          quiverfull wrote: [quote=vintage archer]Some times the problem is the wax on the string ….When the string is pulled away from the limbs when drawing there is a noise from the waxed string lifting off of the string grooves on the limb.

                          Hard to say with out hearing the sound .Trying every suggestion should help locate the cause. Have fun wishing I was there I just love this sort of stuff LOL:D:D

                          Placing some masking tape on the limb over the string grooves on both limbs temporarily might tell if they are problem

                          So, wax on, wax off. Hai. When you say string grooves, should I include the grooves at the very tips where the loops go? That’ll be exciting with a 60# recurve! Maybe I’ll wait until my 24 year old son comes home from AK to help with that.

                          Tell you what, if it’s any cooler where you are, I might just bring it! I hate summer in GA, and it ain’t really even hot yet. Thanks, I will try this…JB

                          Quiverfull Yes it is confusing and funny when you think about it. wax on wax off I have seen the wax in string grooves cause a ripping sound or creak on more than one bow.

                          No you don’t have to worry about the knock groves where the loops go just the string groove in the limb. Some use mole skin in this area to eliminate string slap on release it also stops the creaking or ripping noise on the draw. Masking tape as temporary fix will tell you if that is problem area .

                          I dont thinks the weather is much better here LOL:D HOT and humid. Sorry:D

                        • Vintage Archer
                            Post count: 276

                            quiverfull wrote: My new/old Howatt Hunter makes a creaking sound, like the string is rubbing in the string nocks or something. There is no lack of integrity of the bow itself, i.e.cracks etc. I intend to put some string groove silencers on soon, but I’m not sure they will help. Any ideas? ❓ JB


                            Have you made any headway determining what is causing noise on your bow??

                          • Stephen Graf
                              Post count: 2428

                              This is like cartalk 😀 Instead of Click and Clack, we could have Slap and Twang the bowtalk brothers 😯

                            • Ralph
                                Post count: 2580

                                Yup Steve and we don’t charge an analysis fee.:D

                              • Stephen Graf
                                  Post count: 2428

                                  Hmm. I think we do need a theme song though… And instead of the “stump the chump” segment of the show, we can have the “chump missed the stump” segment 😀

                                • Ralph
                                    Post count: 2580

                                    Ahhh, the silence of the the thump of the stump not. With the silence of the bow and the lack of a thump can we hear a tree fall in the forest? 😀

                                  • Vintage Archer
                                      Post count: 276

                                      You guys are crazy LOL:D:D I think we scared “quiver full” away:D:D

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