Home Forums Bows and Equipment Fletching Glue Quandry

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    • Ralph
        Post count: 2580

        As most of y’all know I’ve been building my own arrows for beaucoup years and know glues that work for fletching……..til now:roll:

        Due to the overrun of our local big box stores with compounds and x bows I’m having difficulty finding fletchtite (do any of those guys build their own arrows/bolts:?:)… I use that, fletchtite, to fletch aluminum and carbon arrows with feathers.

        I will order some from my trad mail order supplier (that sounds funny, mail order supplier? Computer order supplier I guess be better said these days):D

        Anyway, I need to do some rehashing now so I’m trying Gorilla Super Glue gel to fletch a couple of carbon shafts.

        Any experience to share?

        I’ll let you know what I come up with.

        Steve, carbon not my normal. Just gonna see if they warp in the 108* temp outside. 😉

      • Bernie Clancey
          Post count: 82

          I have used Ducco cement with success on wood and aluminum and it may be available at your local Walmart or hardware store. Other than that I use Fletchtite.

        • Ralph
            Post count: 2580

            Yeah, thanks. I’ve used Duco for many years on wood, iffy for AL but for carbons it hasn’t worked for me. Tried it once for grins..:(

            Maybe this is a good reason to stick with my woodies:D

            One thing to start the experiment list…..

            I’m glad I always keep bow string wax on the edge of my clamps. I put extra on just on a whim while using the super glue and it still made it a bit difficult to remove the clamp from the arrows.

          • Stephen Graf
              Post count: 2428

              I’ve gotten lazy and just use the bohning tape to glue the fletching down. It works on anything. Then just a drop of fletchtite on the ends of the feathers.

              It won’t hold up to 108 deg weather though 😳 But neither will I. It would be a race between me and the fletch tape, which would melt to the floor first 🙄

            • Dennis Sundborg
                Post count: 34

                The last tube of Fletch-Tite I bought no longer lists that it works on aluminum like it used to list. I had most of my fletching fall off my alum. shafts on a recent elk hunt. Good thing I didn’t get any shooting. I’ve been using Easton Quick-bond Adhesive lately. Works great on aluminum and carbon. Also had great success with the tape.

              • Ralph
                  Post count: 2580

                  Thanks on that reply.. I read that also on the tube of Fletch-tite Platinum that I paid double for yesterday 👿

                  Seems I maybe shoulda read but the regular old fletch-tite I used for centuries is now “platinum” and has changed and I woulda never thunk it. :)Figured it woulda been improved but I guess not for my uses.

                  By the way, in researching Fletctc-tite Platinum I also found that with it not only non-compatible with AL arrows but also not so with Easton Carbon shafts.

                  Those two arrows are fletched using super glue. I think my super glue experiment is over except for the hard knocks stage of banging them around in the world and seeing if the feathers stay on, pop off or whatever. I’m thinking that they’re just as likely to hit or miss as well any other arrows I have. 🙄

                  I’ll stick to my Duco on wood and tape and/or sensibly priced tube off fletch-tite on my few carbons since they’re not Easton shafts.

                  Another thought, I’m thinkin that if/when I have to replace those fletches on the those two arrows that the super glue used will complicate that removal and cleaning of shaft process.

                • David Coulter
                    Post count: 2293

                    I use the fletch tape, too. I like building arrows but I’m too impatient for the glue. When I can find time to build one i want to get it done. For me it’s usually just one or two at a time, often to replace a lost or busted stumper. My cheap carbons are just way too durable! Dwc

                  • grumpy
                      Post count: 962

                      I’ve used a lot of superglue, but the last time I used the Bohning tape. Tape works a lot better, and is a lot faster. Best superglue was made by Lock Tite, use the waterproof kind.

                    • smiley1
                        Post count: 102

                        Agree with Grumpy. It’s either fletching tape or lock tite gel super glue. The gel does not run and is the easiest glue to work with. Also sets up quicker than most other glues. Steve

                      • Jason Wesbrock
                          Post count: 762

                          Loctite Super Glue gel. You can find it most anywhere and it works great.

                        • Mark Turton
                            Post count: 759

                            I bought ‘Dragon Spit’ from our local archery shop for fletchings, no good for fletchings takes an age to set and I mean hours but welds plastics very well even filling small gaps so now my glasses case is mended!


                          • Carl Brickey
                              Post count: 105

                              Cheap super glue gel from the local grocery store. 2 tubes for a $1. I haven’t had any trouble with it yet!??

                            • Mark Turton
                                Post count: 759

                                Ive been tempted to try super glue but shooting woodies thought it would either take off the finish or even a chunk out of the shaft when they need refletching.


                              • Carl Brickey
                                  Post count: 105

                                  It’s pretty stout stuff. My only qualm is the white residue it sometimes leaves when it’s humid. I guess it’s oxidation from the curing process, I’m not really sure. It wipes off easily though. I keep it around for fly tying as well.

                                • Forresterwoods
                                    Post count: 104

                                    I’ve tried almost every fast drying glue on the market and THE BEST by far has been MAXI-CURE (extra thick) from Hobby Town USA. It drys the quickest, the strongest, and it’s thick and won’t Crack. You should be able to Google them for locations.

                                  • Ralph
                                      Post count: 2580

                                      pothunter wrote: Ive been tempted to try super glue but shooting woodies thought it would either take off the finish or even a chunk out of the shaft when they need refletching.


                                      I tried super glue on a wood shaft just for grins. You are very correct in your concern about removing an old feather to refletch. No buenos for me.

                                    • Forresterwoods
                                        Post count: 104

                                        Sandpaper takes down the feather quill.

                                      • grumpy
                                          Post count: 962

                                          Just had to refletch an arrow where I used the tape… Managed to just peel it off. 😀

                                        • Dave Nash
                                            Post count: 113

                                            Tape works great for me,so far.Fletchtite on both ends and good to go.

                                          • Matt Steed
                                              Post count: 24

                                              I have great luck with Locktite Ultra Gel. I have been buying it at Walmart. I normally can fletch one dozen shafts with one bottle.

                                              Tip=== when you think the bottle is empty; remove the plastic housing and you get a few more fletches out of it.

                                            • wahoo
                                                Post count: 420

                                                I use gorilla glue blue cap, works great

                                              • Dave Morris
                                                  Post count: 2

                                                  Try Saunders NPV. I used to use the Platinum but like you had poor results on aluminum. My last fletching job with the Saunders looks good. There are a lot of others out there who recommend this product.

                                                • grumpy
                                                    Post count: 962

                                                    Again, I like the tape.

                                                    The LockTite gel works good too. Be careful using cheap superglue for both fleching and flies. Most are NOT waterproof.Don’t want things coming apart when it gets damp out.

                                                  • Donald Hoffman
                                                      Post count: 10

                                                      I used fletchtite for years but lately feathers have been falling off. Went to NPV from Saunders. Fine so far.

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