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    • Idabow
        Post count: 65

        I was recently at another site and the topic of wolves came up. Boy, what a can of worms that was, and still is. I tried to take the openminded position but like a pack of hungry predators, I was threatened and chewed on for not joining the mob who want to kill just about everything that competes with them! So now I ask you, how do you feel about wolves and their introduction to Idaho or any other state? I’d like to educate myself on the whole process of the wolves and want only scientific documentation if possible because anything else leads to problems, as I’ve recently expereinced.
        Thanks for your input,

      • Jesse Minish
          Post count: 115

          Well I do not like the introduction of a nonnative species anytime especially one like wolves. I don’t want to kill everything that is competition for me but I really think the wolves should have never been brought here and now that they are here they need to be managed. The type of wolf that is running ramped here in Idaho and other states have never been here before people brought them so why should they be protected? It isn’t like they REintroduced the native wolves that roamed here before. When people try to make things right by introducing animals to balance something out that people messed up they usually I should say always do more harm then good. If the fish and game said they were going to introduce hogs in Idaho and that they are protected because there is not enough of them what would you say?

        • Idabow
            Post count: 65

            Thanks for the reply Jesse, I value your opinion and welcome others to provide input as well. Your example makes me think differently about this topic for I have much more to learn about where I stand on this issue. I would enjoy Dave2old to chime in if he was so kind to do so. I admire his wisdom and tact in presenting his point of view.

          • Clay Hayes
              Post count: 418

              If it’s scientific literature you want, do a search on google scholar for wolves and elk. You’ll come up with quite a few citations out of Yellowstone.

              First of all, F&G didn’t reintroduce wolves, the feds did. Second, F&G can’t manage wolves untill the feds hand over the reigns. That already happened last year but it was litigated and now they’re listed again.

              With that being said, what people don’t take into consideration is the positive impacts of apex predators on game and game habitat. Read the Yellowstone articles and you’ll see what I mean. As an example, I pulled the following quote from one of these scientific articles.
              “We found that aspen overstory recruitment ceased during the same years that wolves, a significant source of elk predation, were removed from YNP. Wolves may positively influence aspen overstory recruitment through a trophic cascades effect by reducing elk populations, modifying elk movement, and changing elk browsing patterns on aspen.” Ripple and Larsen 2000

              Basicly they’re saying that when wolves were exterpated from Yellowstone, elk populations exploded. The elk browsed the aspen suckers so heavily that there was no regeneration of aspen while wolves were absent. Elk and deer can have devistating and long lasting effects on their habitat when populations are to high.

              The number one argument I hear agains wolves is the very one Jesse brought up – these wolves are not native. Every time I hear that, I have to wonder; would these people be pro wolf if the feds were able to find enough “native” wolves to reintroduce? What do you think?


            • Jesse Minish
                Post count: 115

                Clay good points I wasn’t aware of. I was under the impression that it was the feds and fish and game working together that were responsible for the introduction, I guess I was wrong. I see fish and game is studying the wolves would you know if that is funded by our state or the feds? I honestly don’t know. Would I approve of them getting enough of the native wolves here? You bet. They were a smaller, less aggressive and more solitary type of wolf(from what I have read). I am sure a lot of the info. I read is misinformation but I base some of opinion from my experiences in the field. I don’t hate the wolves but when I see more wolf sign such as tracks, scat and carcasses hardly eaten with wolf tracks around them when I am hunting than deer or elk sign I think something should be done. I guess I shouldn’t blame fish and game any more just the feds.:D

              • Idabow
                  Post count: 65

                  Fellow Trads,
                  I really don’t believe that many or any of those who oppose the wolves would change their mind if the wolves were native. I think one of the most important reasons to their opposition is the fear (actual or imagined) that the elk numbers will decrease so much that hunting will cease, regardless of native or non-native introduction.

                  I really like to hear of the latent effects of wolf introduction such as the aspen study that you shared with us. I know there is so much more to this than just wolves eating elk, there are far reaching effects that may seem unimportant but can be of major consequence. Thanks for the direction of self study, I will Google the areas mentioned and sift through the piles.

                • Clay Hayes
                    Post count: 418

                    Predators always take the blame for depressed game numbers. It is easy to lay blame on predators that are obviously taking their share through direct predation. It’s not so easy to see how habitat loss and fragmentation, community succession, motorized access, human hunting, invasive plant species, loss of fire, and the lot play into the equation. It’s a lot more complex than just wolves.

                    I know that wolves make it harder to hunt elk, but I challenge everyone to consider the larger picture before forming their opinions.

                  • Jesse Minish
                      Post count: 115


                    • Ralph
                        Post count: 2580

                        I agree about looking at all the angles and facts before forming opinions on the effect of wolves on hunting elk or deer. Seems to me that more and more hunters running around the hills are having a bigger effect on the animals scarcity than the wolves. But being human we have to find some other reason for our problems besides ourselves. Where there used to be one maybe two camps in the area I used to hunt, now there maybe six to eight camps in the area. That’s not counting all the “summer” homes blocking access to the National Forest. But the wolves howling in the dark have become a major concern and an easy way out.
                        Now before I get jumped on about being a Texas dude, that’s just where I live now. My home country is the Grand Mesa country of Colorado and I lived in Mountain Home, Idaho as a high school lad.
                        I know wolves take their share of game but if it stops the over population of the game herds to a point then there is a definite advantage. I do believe the wolf population may be at or soon will be to the point of needing to be controlled. But like all programs the Feds have their nose in……..need not say more.

                      • Clay Hayes
                          Post count: 418

                          if this topic were posted anywhere but here, R2 and I would be labled “liberal tree huggers” and Jesse would be a “predator bashing redneck”.No offence to either party 😀

                          I’m glad we can have an intelligent conversation on the matter. Mutual respect means a lot.


                          Oh, by the way, get ready to buy your tag, it looks like we might have a wolf season this year!

                        • Ralph
                            Post count: 2580

                            Yep, agreed. Ya know, like in Alaska where wolves have been around a long time and even in, is it Michigan/Wisconsin part of the world, you don’t hear about shortages of deer. Matter of fact they grow some big ol’guys up there. Nature will control things if we leave it be. Wolves will eat elk, elk will evolve and learn that something new is out there trying to have them for lunch. But then again, if too many wolves, like too many coyotes, you have to do something. If coyotes only have rabbits and other rodents to dine on, they pretty much balance out. If we were as crazy about rabbits as elk, new story?
                            Hope I don’t have to dodge stones (^-^). G’day!

                          • Frank V
                              Post count: 14

                              They eat my friends Sheep & Cattle “Nuff Said. Frank

                            • crittergitter
                                Post count: 42

                                when an animal is introduced to an area things happen good or bad,again and again i here people in wis and mi and mn etc etc etc,complain about even the idea of loose hogs being from louisiana i say deal with it the taste of pork is worth the damage witch i have seen countless times.deal with it.and no i dont live in the swamp just 15 minutes away,yes hogs hurt crops,introduce them to an area where there are no crops if they get to them use lead not cedar,they are bar none the easiest and funest big game animal to hunt,not to mention the tastiest.as for wolves the reason for no tags is the anties peta the devils who would have us chop our balls off become females and starve to death no offence ladies.wolves were in all the mountain states before we were and all the canadian touching states,years ago,but this is now they have been gone for years,the ones introduced are different,and will have a different affect on nature if it is bad,you dont have to put up with them on your land,i like archery a whole bunch but my 22 250 is pretty accurate 300 yards away,give the wolves a chance tho.

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