Home Forums Bows and Equipment I'm getting a bow built for myself

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    • Cottonwood
        Post count: 311

        Well I’ve decided to have a new custom bow built for myself by a local bower where I live.


        Ric Anderson son is bringing his bow into the office, so I can see one up close and personal like. So after I place the deposit on my order its gonna be a wait. I still have to select my woods, so this is gonna be fun.

      • Robin Conrads
          Post count: 916

          Congratulations! You are lucky to have the bowyer live close by. Will you order a longbow or recurve? 😀

        • Patrick
            Post count: 1148

            TBMADMIN wrote: Will you order a longbow or recurve? 😀

            I was wondering the same thing. Those are some sweet looking bows! Have fun 🙂

          • Cottonwood
              Post count: 311

              The jury is still out on what I’m going to order.

              We also have several other fine bowers in my area.




            • Patrick
                Post count: 1148
              • Cottonwood
                  Post count: 311

                  Patrick, I like what I see on that link. Love the broadheads as they look like the Simmon’s Land Sharks. Now getting on about bows. I have been leaning towards a longbow, simply because that is what I started out with some 41 yrs ago, remember the old Ben Pearson glass bows?

                  So we will see, as I said I like to handle the bows and it is nice when a bower is close to home.

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