Home Forums Bows and Equipment Bow Quivers

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    • Dennis
        Post count: 52

        I’ve decided I’m going to shoot my 40 year old Bear TD’s even though I’ve been told they should be hanging on the wall. What’s the popular bow quiver for these bows these days? I’ve always felt the old Bear adjustable bow quivers didn’t balance/centre the arrows well on the bow.

      • Ripforce
          Post count: 225

          Try Great Northern, Selway, or a Kanati quiver!

        • Bigbearclaw
            Post count: 32

            I swear by Great Northern

          • Cottonwood
              Post count: 311

              I have the Kanati Angle Bow Quiver


            • Jess
                Post count: 5

                I haven’t tried it out yet but I just got the Bear 7 arrow adjustable quiver. I think it will work out ok.

              • David Petersen
                  Post count: 2749

                  All the bow quivers I’ve owned will hold skinny carbon shafts tightly … until/unless you carry some thicker wood shafts in them for a while, at which points the rubber grippers expand and take a “set” and no longer hold carbons tightly enough to prevent some noise on release. If you shoot woods and carbons interchangeably, you may need two quivers. Or take your quiver off when on stand, which is what I know do. This is hard-won knowledge for me, having recently cost me two misses on lightning-fast Coues deer that had time to look up, turn and duck before the arrow reached them at 20 yards after a slight rattle in the remaining 3 carbon shafts in Kenati quiver previously used for 11/32 woodies. Not a big issue, but worth considering.

                • Ron Laclair
                    Post count: 2

                    Dave, it sounds like you need to get a grip..:lol:

                  • Jason Wesbrock
                      Post count: 762


                      Your story is actually an excellent case for a Great Northern quiver. Extra grippers are around ten dollars, only take three screws and a few seconds to change, and come in different sizes to cover any arrow shaft diameter. When I want to switch from carbons to wood for small game hunting, I just swap out the grippers. No problem.

                    • William Warren
                        Post count: 1384

                        I think the Great Northern would be a good choice for your take downs. If your bows have the side inserts then so much the better. The side mount version rides behind the riser which I like because it seems to balance better and it puts the next arrow closer to the shooter. I also have the detachable front mount model which rides somewhat parallel to the riser and attaches to a gizmo that is installed under the limb bolts. Both are easy to remove and very quiet. I like J Westbrock’s suggestion to get extra grippers for carbons. I don’t shoot carbon but if I do I’ll get new grippers for sure.

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