Home Forums Campfire Forum Oh where, oh where have the Moose all gone…

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    • wildschwein
        Post count: 581

        Well I just spent a full seven days hunting Moose in the areas I scouted this Spring and Summer. Many Moose then, not a single Moose now. Walked an old haul road one day, about five or so kilometers of it. Figured with a 2 day old snow I might find some Moose sign. Didn’t cross a single Moose track! And only two sets of Deer tracks. That is except for all the Wolf tracks. Couldn’t go 50 meters without crossing a set of those. Managed to see a few as well. Last count was 13 in seven days. Always feels a bit spooky when I run into one, but seeing that many in a week had me watching my backtrail a bit more than usual.
        Oh well, to the better hunter goes the spoils (or Moose).
        Hopefully there will not be so many the next time I draw a tag, in about five years or so:wink:.

      • Cottonwood
          Post count: 311

          About the same here to, as my last elk hunting trip out all my son in law and I found were bear, mountain lion and wolf tracks.

        • Stephen Graf
            Post count: 2428

            While I have harvested a big old bull with my bow,…. I am no expert. In fact, I know almost nothing about moose behavior.

            With that said, I have read a few articles that discussed behavior a bit. From what I remember, moose tend to move from the rivers to the hills and back based on the season and the weather.

            It may be that the place you scouted in the summer is always full of moose in the summer, and not in the fall. My humble advice is to scout now, when you would be hunting, to see where the moose are this time of year. If you only get 1 chance every 5 years, I’d be scouting all the falls in between and forget the summer scouting.

          • wildschwein
              Post count: 581

              Sounds like a good idea. Might even find a Rabbit or two while I’m at it.:D

            • canadian tyler
                Post count: 4

                Hey all. This is my first post here, and the title of this thread caught my eye. I have a friend who is literally in love with moose (nothing physical, strictly platonic). He has hunted them for the past 23 years and this last year made his first harvest with a bow. ( he still uses compound but I am taking a couple of my longbows I made up to his house to shoot. I’ll turn him yet.)

                But I digress. He made a website http://www.all-about-moose.com/ to share his passion and educate people about the outdoors. He would love your stories and pics.

                I hope I didn’t break any rules or offend any members. This was not meant to be spam, just a helpful resource.

                As for me hunting moose is a little intimidating to me, as they can cover 20 yards rather quickly bleeding out or not!!! I have nothing but awe and respect for trad. moose hunters.


              • wildschwein
                  Post count: 581

                  Your reply was very welcome, at least from my point of view. Always good to see another Canuck on this site.

                • Mark Allardyce
                    Post count: 2

                    Preseason scouting? My experience has shown that moose inhabit alternate areas during the seasons. During the spring for instance you will find moose foraging in more open habitat. When summer comes they will retreat to the forest to avoid the heat. Fall will also find them in the forest, perhaps more so than the summer, usually in areas to avoid human contact. Although you might think they would prefer the open areas with more browse, you will find a higher usage in heavy forest cover.
                    Wolves will also alter moose behavior. If a wolf pack is hunting a particular area, the moose will, for the most part move into the deep old forests to avoid the predation.

                    A moose foraging in the open, late spring.

                    Thanks to my friend Tyler who posted here. I certainly don’t mean to intrude (because at this date I AM still using a compound), I just thought I could share some insight to this topic.

                  • wildschwein
                      Post count: 581

                      Thanks for the info. The spot I scouted/hunted this year is an old haul road. It travels through thick stands of Black Spruce, Alder, and Willow with patches of Beaver slough. Most of the Moose I found this Spring/Summer were in the Willows bordering the Beaver sloughs, and my last check in September found them pretty much in the same. So when I went back in November I hit these spots first but spotted no Moose nor fresh Moose sign along the entire 30km road. Trips along grown over cutlines showed no sign either.
                      Perhaps they have gone DEEPER into the woods. I still have a few more days of Moose season left so I’ll hit the cutlines again and see where they take me. Except this time I’ll bring my predator call. Wolf might not taste half bad :twisted:.
                      Better than tag soup anyhow.

                    • Mark Allardyce
                        Post count: 2

                        Tag Soup? Sounds sounds better than wolf stew… I think. 😆

                        In areas of British Columbia early winter will see a dramatic shift back to open habitat before retreating to heavy cover for mid to late winter. In other words you may have to cover a lot of ground at this time of year to find a moose.

                        Good Luck.

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