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    • connerp
        Post count: 12

        Any body having success out here in the West this fall?
        This is a buck that my hunting partener and I found above Salt Lake City. There has been an Army of bowhunters in this canyon and the buck hasn’t been seen since. I am hoping that one of his forked horn buddies will show up under my stand any day now!

        attached file
      • MontanaFord
          Post count: 450

          nice buck…he probably moved into a different area with less pressure….good luck this season…our season starts on the 5th…


        • PagosaBow
            Post count: 61

            Nice buck. I have been hunting and seen all kinda of nice buck and does. A lot of “groceries” have walked with in eye site of me. I almost had a shot at a coyote yesterday at 20 yrds but he saw be draw and boogied out of there in a hurry. I wish I had it together to put my tags in on time so I could have gotten a deer tag this year. My either sex elk tag will do just fine though. Just gotta get closer than 44 yrds for a shot I will take at one.

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