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    • Dennis
        Post count: 52

        My “Buffalo” is showing a great deal of wear on the outside lip of the rug and shelf. My arrows are showing wear for about 4″ starting 3″ ahead of the fletching. I’m now shooting with the cock feather towards the bow and get great arrow flight – visually. No more feather wear. My arrows are 30.5″, 2219 with an FOC of 15. I draw about 29.5″ to the back of the bow. I have the tiller set at +1/4″. Is the tiller setting causing my problem?

      • gigglemonk
          Post count: 146

          When did the problem start? After a year of shooting? Less? More? Could it be an older string? A newer string? Have you changed the nock point?

          Lots of things to look at before any type of diagnosis can be made.

        • Dennis
            Post count: 52

            The problem has been there since day one. I had a great deal of difficulty getting the bow tuned even close. I have tried nocking points from 3/4″ high to dead flat. At 1/2″ high it shoots pretty well but I’m getting the wear where the arrow, just ahead of the fletching, hits the outside edge of the rug and shelf. All the strings I have used have been well shot in with at least 100 arrows through them. These are the Hoyt supplied strings that are set to maximum brace height with a little twist. The brace height has remained constant. I have tried different length shafts to no avail. In the end, I just rotated the arrow so the cock feather is in and get pretty good flight. I would really like to have a perfectly tuned bow but I am stymied and frustrated.

          • archer38
              Post count: 242

              I had a similar issue with some shafts that were a bit too stiff.Even adding point weight wouldn’t cure it.

            • Stephen Graf
                Post count: 2428

                If nothing works, I have found that building up the side plate and moving the arrow out can change things up. Build it up 1/8 inch or so by glueing a piece of scrap leather to the side plate.

                I expect that buffalo is pretty much center cut, or even cut past center. I find this causes problems for my finger release. I have also found that it helps when the arrow appears to be over spined. Moving the arrow away from the bow does more to change the dynamics of the shot than any other adjustment you can make.

                By building the side plate up, you will force the arrow to need to be weaker spined to fly well. So build the plate up, and see what happens. Then add some more weight to the front.

                This is good in 3 ways:

                1. May help fix your tuning issues

                2. Increases arrow FOC for better flight

                3. Increases arrow weight for better penetration.

                I hope this helps.

              • Arne Moe
                  Post count: 147

                  You don’t say what point weight you are using BUT 2219s are really stiff shafts. IF it were me, I’d be experimenting with 2117s.


                • Dennis
                    Post count: 52

                    Thanks Guys

                    I’m using 175 gr. field points and 135 gr. Zwickey Deltas (175 gr. with glue and adapter). I tried 2117s. All indications were that they were too soft with the Deltas and I don’t want to reduce my point weight. I am waiting for a reply from 3Rivers to see if I can get brass inserts for the 2219s. If that fails then I’ll try building out the plate to soften the shaft. Any more suggestions would be welcomed.

                  • Jason Wesbrock
                      Post count: 762

                      Building out the strike plate will make the arrow act stiffer, not weaker. When you buld out the strike plate, the arrow must flex more (i.e. be weaker) to bend around the bow and fly straight. If the arrow is too stiff to flex around the bow properly, it is overspined. If your arrows are already overspined, building out your stirke plate will only make the problem worse.


                    • Dennis Sundborg
                        Post count: 34

                        Actually, I’m still interested in the initial question concerning bow tiller. (Truth is, I’m the same guy that asked the question but I moved back to Ontario, my membership expired and I couldn’t get back on line without creating a new avatar,) So again, how does my 1/4″ positive tiller effect my arrow flight? Is tiller causing my arrows to bounce off the rug and riser just ahead of the fletching?

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