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    • grumpy
        Post count: 962

        Sorry I haven’t written much latley. Solar storms have interfered with TV reception, so we are fighting over the computer.

        Decided couple weeks ago not to try this year. My right arm isn’t reliable enough to shoot consistantly, and I don’t want to spend the rest of my life following a gut shot deer. On the other hand, I am scouting every chance I get. Want to know the patterns during the rut/hunting season. Also planning a systematic scouting of the woods in nearby towns. Somewhere there is a gigantic oak grove with acorns up to my knees (your ankles). The deer know where it is, and I want to know too.

        Update on the big black harry azz I saw. Chief of police says (remember Officer Obie in Alices Resturant -this guy could be a near relitive) says he weighs 400 lbs. and I live in the exact center of his range. Takes up the southern half of three townships. I didn’t ask who/how he was weighed. North of here is a sow with two cubs. He said a lot more, but most was irrelivent. Apparently when the cops call each other on the radios (in town and between towns) bear seightings are a primary topic. Since I get to see the guy directing traffic at the school every morning, I’ll be getting updates.

        Meanwhile, back at the ranch…

        Experimenting with different recurves, fiberglass, and resin (epoxy). Just finished a bow that broke when stringing it. If it hadn’t broke, would have had a pull in the 100# class, even with my short draw. Yes, I’m taking lots of pics. Right now trying to figure out how to test materials without making a complete bow.

        Found a book, actually two. Strategic Whitetail Hunting by Tim Hooey is OK, but not anything sensational, or detailed.

        Whitetail Strategies, by Peter Fiduccia, was better… well, Peter gave more detailed information about calling deer with antlers, grunts, bleats, and … Going to wait for the sportsman shows this winter, then learn more about calling deer. In our woods, a deer can be reading over your sholder and you would never know it, be nice to have them looking for me, rather than the other way around. Anybody know any good source for learning how to call deer? Like vidos, recordings, etc. Warning! Peter can hunt better than he can write (and hopefully his editer has found a better occupation), Tim can write better than he can hunt.

      • mhay
          Post count: 264

          As always , Grumpy , your writing is interesting .

          Calling deer as well as any species is rewarding . Learning it will take time but to me it is part of the fun . The more we know about a certain animals habits , body language and vocalizations the better we will be at successfully bringing them to the call. How critters utilize certain aspects of terrain , wind ,and cover plays into it as well . By knowing these things and using such terrain , cover and wind will increase your odds .

          Also , by being able to produce animal vocalizations with your own voice box and mouth gives you more flexibility in the woods and reduces the number of actual callers you must carry .

          With your talent with the wood you can also get into call making .

        • grumpy
            Post count: 962

            Doe’s that mean more sawdust on the kitchen floor?

          • mhay
              Post count: 264

              Possibly. A very stout dog with short legs and long hair on its tail , being constantly praised , will keep the floor swept .:D

            • grumpy
                Post count: 962

                OMG NO, I’m alergic!!!

              • mhay
                  Post count: 264

                  Sorry .

                • Doc Nock
                    Post count: 1150

                    I agree, Grumpy. Your writing is like another hunter I know, Tom Kidwell. He wrote 2 small books of his meanderings and hunts, then a well researched treatise on Feral Hogs in America and now is writing and publishing novels!

                    Those with the gift should write for us to read!

                    Sawdust is optional! Unless you make your own pencils to write with! :0

                  • grumpy
                      Post count: 962

                      WOW!!! Such great compliments. I was writing a lot 10 years ago when my constant companion arrived, then the recession, etc. Too much on my plate to invest the time, concentration required. With a little less hectic/drama this may be the time.

                    • grumpy
                        Post count: 962

                        OK, I got a deer call (gf calls it a deer horn). It came with a cute little DVD to teach me how to use it. Since the only time I could get on the computer was during flute practice, we played a duet. Flute and deer horn. No CDs yet, cantact the gf to book gigs.

                        btw. gf says I should take it back, sounds like I do at 3:00 AM, when alergy meds wear off, and she has heard enough of that already.

                      • Doc Nock
                          Post count: 1150

                          Me and Howard the sports guy now dead, just ‘calls em as I sees em”… I like your wit and writing…

                          Flute practice and deer calls…hmmm… that ought to make the woods rock!

                          When these old ears have actually HEARD a buck grunt, it was much higher and clipped sounding than grunt calls on the market… There was a plastic “Buck Board” out for a while, I think marketed by Primos, that really sounded like what I HEARD on occasions…and in videos I’ve watched of deer.

                          I have to wonder, reading your posts, what the back story is on your “constant companion” and surely love your signature line that makes me laugh every time (ghost did it)…

                          I applaud your decision to not push the bow shooting this year till the arm is 100%… as we age, things take longer and shortcuts only require back tracking.

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