Home Forums Campfire Forum Should Traditional bowhunting be more mainstream?

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    • makesmoosecry
        Post count: 35

        Gentlemen, I would like your opinions. Would you like to see our beloved pastime (Traditional Bowhunting) be more mainstream? Or keep it a little less in the spotlight? Personally i prefer the latter. Although i want it to remain strong, both for the industries who manufacture the products we perchase and for our youngones.. the future traditional bowhunters.

      • William Warren
          Post count: 1384

          I’m no marketing expert but I’d say that products that have become maintream were promoted heavily by the industry. Traditional equipment recieves less promotion because it is part of the past history of archery. Perhaps when the current technology falls out of favor traditional could experience a renaissance of sorts. I think we are really already headed in that direction with more and more archers turning to a more challenging experience that can be had with Traditional equipment. That’s one aspect, the equipment, the other is the experience. How can it become Mainstream without promotion of the experience? So far, what I’m seeing in terms of advertising is worlds away from the personal experience that I percieve. So, for now there may just be two parallel industries not tied together except that one gave life to the other. With one chasing after an illusion and the other sticking to….well, Tradition.

        • makesmoosecry
            Post count: 35

            Duncan, that was awesome. Thanks for your opinion and i totally agree with you, i just didnt elaborate… the experience is by far more satisfying!

          • shawhill
              Post count: 63

              I’m fairly new to this, so I can only make a generalization with what little I have experienced with traditional archery and even with muzzle loading. I thought because I excelled at compound archery and because it came natually to me that the transition would be somewhat easy or even natural. I quickly realized however that I had alot to learn. Between getting my arrows to fly right, hitting what I was aiming at, and having the skill to get closer to my quarry that I ever needed to in the past, I am finding that a heavy dose of patience and real dedication is required. Those two things are getting harder to come by these days. The traditional ways (muzzle loading, bowhunting, homesteading, ect) seem to call out to a certain type of people and even among this small group of people few accept that alluring call. So even if given the marketing and resources needed I dont think it would ever be mainstream. But then who knows? Like I said its just a generalization based on limited experience.

            • cody
                Post count: 87

                I hope it doesn’t get to mainstream. I don’t think it will either. There to much money to be made in “the next big thing” of compound archery. You can’t open a bowhunting mag (except for TBM) and not have 300 and whatever feet per second from ” the newest and baddest pulley contraption” thrown in your face on every other page. I used to love all bowhunting mags but over the past two or three years I can’t even stand to open them. Its all advertising, something that is pretty annoying to me as I am sure it is to just about every person that shoot traditional. I have friends that use compounds and even my Dad uses one. Its not that I have a problem with people that use them its the industry that I have problems with. They try to convince that you have to be shooting over 300 feet per second to be able to kill an animal. Not to mension how much the stinking things cost. Ive got 1300 dollars worth of compound just setting in a box that ever since I got into traditional I have no interest in even shooting. Hadent touched it in a year and got it out before bow season to shoot with my Dad and with the use of sights and on the first shot hit exactly where I was “aiming” It took one round for me to loose interest and put it down and it went up for sale (no takers yet haha). I just get tired of the market trying to convince that they can shoot as good as the money they put into it not to mension the fenced in slaughter houses they call hunting lodges. You can kill as big of a buck as YOUR WILLING TO PAY FOR!!!! NO RESPECT FOR THE ANIMAL. Sorry for jabbering on and on

              • Mark Turton
                  Post count: 759

                  We are THE mainstream, the source, other disciplines have no spirit they don’t connect to the hunt.


                  PS. I hope the primitive archers out don’t take exeption to my statement.

                • Ripforce
                    Post count: 225

                    We have an instant gratification society, faster computers, phones and always more technology! NO differant in archery always something new, easier, faster etc! the wheel bow industry has to do this stay in business and to get their customers to spend a another $1000 on a new compound that will shoot 5 more FPS than the one they already own it drives their business! Same thing happened with muzzleloaders, when I bought mine there was only primative, flintlock and percussion cap, then out came the Knight inline and now look at muzzleloading firearms no differant than rifles! Why cause it makes deer hunting easier! I quit hunting for years until I got into Trad bows now I can’t wait to get into the woods even though I never actually taken any game but I sure enjoy the challenge! I think traditional bowhunters all have that rugged work hard American spriit that this country was founded on that is why we are drawn to the magic of the Traditonal bow! As to Trad archery becoming mainstream maybe it already has!

                  • strait-aero
                      Post count: 350

                      Traditional archery is mainstream aawith those of us who already live the life. There will be many more that come onboard and find that it is the only way to enjoy bowhunting to the fullest. It isn’t something that is easily learned, but once we find it becomes a part of us.:)

                    • Cottonwood
                        Post count: 311

                        Strait-Aero wrote: Traditional archery is mainstream aawith those of us who already live the life. There will be many more that come onboard and find that it is the only way to enjoy bowhunting to the fullest. It isn’t something that is easily learned, but once we find it becomes a part of us.:)

                        X2 AMEN!

                      • bruc
                          Post count: 476

                          Duncan started, but all very good posts guys:!:

                        • vermonter1
                            Post count: 17

                            makesmoosecry wrote: Gentlemen, I would like your opinions. Would you like to see our beloved pastime (Traditional Bowhunting) be more mainstream? Or keep it a little less in the spotlight? Personally i prefer the latter. Although i want it to remain strong, both for the industries who manufacture the products we perchase and for our youngones.. the future traditional bowhunters.

                            Although it my first reaction to this is that it would be great for all bowhunters to adopt our ways and methods, I think many of us would have to find a new and tougher method of hunting if this were to happen. I would certainly keep shooting my bows but I think I would start practicing the art of spear throwing. I think alot of us just don’t want to do it the way every one else does. My 2 cents.

                          • LimbLover
                              Post count: 299

                              I kind of like it that we are NOT mainstream for many of the reasons already mentioned above. I kind of feel like we are the underground and like it that way. If everyone did it, I wouldn’t be as inclined as makesmoosecry also pointed out. I feel like we are the bootlegged demo of the mordern archery world.

                              Mainstream (to me) means hunting shows and advertisements. People who watch hunting shows tend to only focus on the KILL. A buddy who works in a bowhunting store always says that the only videos that sell are kill shots or product related.

                              Our ilk generally do it for the hunting experience with the kill as the icing on the cake. This isn’t generally a big seller in our modern impulsive society.

                            • sorno
                                Post count: 13

                                I’m not so sure I’d care if it was mainstream, midstream or beside the stream. I shoot a recurve because it’s fun, not because it sets me apart from some and draws me closer to others. It’s effective at the ranges at which I’m comfortable, and as simple or as complex as I care to make it.
                                But I’d be lying if I said that I don’t generally enjoy the company of other who choose similar gear. But there’s good folks most everywhere if you care to look around.

                              • Patrick
                                  Post count: 1148

                                  Judging from all the other posts, my thoughts apparently are not mainstream. I’d love for it to become the norm, and for compounds (and hunting with crossbows) to become considered fads from the past. Being a part of a small non-mainstream “group” is not at all what it’s about to me. It just happens to be that way because of what is required of the individual, mentally and physically…and it will always be that way.

                                • SteveMcD
                                    Post count: 870

                                    If it were masinstream we’d have all those Forrest Gump types on the Outhouse Channel giving us a black eye. 😯 No thanks. I am happy where we are. 8)

                                  • RedTape
                                      Post count: 51

                                      I may be different than most (and I may get flamed for this), but I think what truly sets us traditional hunters apart is our mindset and values rather than our equipment of choice. I realize those go hand-in-hand (i.e. we enjoy the challenge) but our ethics and respect for the hunt and the animals we chase is what separates us from the majority of “modern” hunters, who jump on every new bandwagon if they think it will make it easier for them to kill something.

                                      I admit I hunt with and old Hawken muzzeloader and a bolt-action rifle occasionally throughout the season. Although I much prefer my longbows and often carry them in both the blackpowder and rifle seasons; I’m in no way ashamed of hunting with a lead ball and blackpowder or a hand-loaded round. I typically hunt from the same stands or blinds and, other than extending my range, there is no difference in HOW I hunt or the respect I have for the animals.

                                      I guess what I’m trying to say is I think our values and ethics – our “hunting worldview” if you will – is far more important than our choice of weapon, and I would certainly like to see those values become mainstream.

                                    • Patrick
                                        Post count: 1148

                                        What really needs to be considered is how each of us defines “mainstream”. To me, it simply means, if something is considered mainstream, it is accepted as the norm. I don’t understand how you can complain that the current mainstream is giving hunting/hunters a black eye, yet not want that changed.

                                      • SteveMcD
                                          Post count: 870

                                          Maybe I am missing your point, Patrick. All anyone has to do is watch the Outdoor Channel or similar hunting shows. They are embarrassing and add fuel to the Anti’s fire and arguments. Based on the actions of MANY on these shows, they only demonstrate the worst in what so called hunters are supposed to represent. Disrespect for wildlife, minimizing the importance of all wildlife (“oh that’s a shooter buck”), terribly bad shots, over celebration upon a kill, too much technology – too little skill, ATV’s, Baiting…. the list of deplorable actions and habits by these “PRO’S” can go on and on.

                                          Mainstream meaning I would dread seeing these “TV Pros”
                                          all holding Stickbows and carrying on the way they do on TV.

                                        • Patrick
                                            Post count: 1148

                                            SteveMcD wrote: Maybe I am missing your point, Patrick.

                                            Yep, you are 🙂

                                            I recall a consensus that traditional bowhunting (in threads on this forum) is defined by a mindset, not merely by using certain equipment. If they carry the same “ethics”, or lack thereof, they are not traditional bowhunters. And in THAT light, I’d prefer “traditional bowhunting” become “mainstream”.

                                          • SteveMcD
                                              Post count: 870

                                              Yeah, Yeah… Huntin the hard way, it’s about the journey, love and kisses, I get it…. 😛 So a Compound Bowhunter is a “Traditional” Bowhunter? I think not. 😆

                                            • Greg Ragan
                                                Post count: 201

                                                Mainstream means popular…..unfortunately hard work, dedication, self sacrifice, and self control are not popular concepts nowadays…very sad but true.

                                              • Patrick
                                                  Post count: 1148

                                                  SteveMcD wrote: So a Compound Bowhunter is a “Traditional” Bowhunter? I think not. 😆

                                                  Nor was I saying that! All I’m saying is it’s a package deal. Hunting in a fenced in pen with a longbow is not traditional bowhunting either.

                                                • SteveMcD
                                                    Post count: 870

                                                    Patrick… we could split hairs on this one till the cows come home!
                                                    Is hunting over bait “Traditional”?
                                                    Is hunting from a climbing tree stand “Traditional”?
                                                    What if hunting from a high fence meant an area of 10,000 acres? Would that qualify for “Traditional”?

                                                    This is Traditional Bowhunter. You won’t see any Mathews Switchbacks here! And I don’t need an Allen Wrench to tune my Longbow.

                                                    My point is Ethics are Values which are Intrinsic to every person and hunter. It matters not what they carry in their hands. But even the interpretation is highly personal onto itself. However, Traditional Bow Hunting means hunting with a Longbow, Recurve, Selfbow or Flatbow.

                                                  • Patrick
                                                      Post count: 1148

                                                      You are missing my point completely! I’m merely using examples to point out that I think traditional bowhunting, as WE generally define it, would be a positive influence if it were mainstream, which is the point of this thread. If you think the whole point is simply, “would it be better if the same guys on TV were using longbows, etc. instead of compounds” than the thread is pointless. To me, it’s a more dynamic, complicated idea, and can be discussed from a number of angles. That’s all. I’m NOT discussing, and have no desire to discuss the definition of “traditional bowhunting” as I think it’s been beaten to death.

                                                    • SteveMcD
                                                        Post count: 870

                                                        Actually I read the whole point – Loud & Clear. The simple question, can a population of hunters become more mainstream with the “traditional” values and attitudes shared by “traditional bowhunters” as we have expressed those values on many “traditional internet forums at nauseum.

                                                        The answer – No. It is not possible.

                                                        Technology in and of itself caters to those who want things quicker, easier, less effort. less skill, less pracrtice, etc. We have rifles today capable of taking an animal out to ranges of 800 to 900 yards, do you think these individuals share the same value as the nature hunters or “traditional hunters” – I think not. To me, this is not even hunting, it is just killing.

                                                        Remember there are three different types of hunters:

                                                        1) Utilitarian/Meat Hunters. (43.8%) – these are business meat hunters that view animals very much like harvesting crops. It is there for the taking. To them it’s not about the journey. It’s about the table – period.

                                                        2)Nature Hunters. (17.7%) – US. Hunting for the purpose of close contact with nature. The experience, the Journey. Also seem to know more about animals and the environment, which in turn would demonstrate appreciation, respect and caring.

                                                        3)Sport Hunters. (38.5%)” competition and mastery over animals, in the context of a sporting contest, were the most prevalent aspects of the sport hunter’s interest in the hunting activity. This group did not reveal strong affections for animals.

                                                        “Mainstream” is not so simple, Patrick. These are complex models and issues that all hunters need to deal with, if hunting (period) is to survive as we know it.

                                                        Bottom line – I GET IT!

                                                      • Patrick
                                                          Post count: 1148

                                                          SteveMcD wrote: Actually I read the whole point – Loud & Clear. The simple question, can a population of hunters become more mainstream with the “traditional” values and attitudes shared by “traditional bowhunters” as we have expressed those values on many “traditional internet forums at nauseum.  
                                                          The answer – No. It is not possible.

                                                           The question was “SHOULD traditional bowhunting…”, not “could…”. I’m sure we all know it’ll never happen. But I digress…I’ve made my point.

                                                        • Chris Shelton
                                                            Post count: 679

                                                            Interesting . . . very interesting!

                                                            I think we will never become mainstreamed. And I think the main reason for that is most individuals are not capable of hunting with traditional equipment. Not saying we are an elite breed of people who posses skills that no one else can obtain. That would be arrogant.

                                                            I think its that we are a unique strain of human beings that have obtained some fantastic patience skills:D

                                                            Bottom line is that if the traditional bow were the only weapon on earth that could be used for hunting, the art of hunting would probably vanish! People are just not patient anymore. And like someone has already said technology makes things easier!

                                                            I think the standard thought process for most hunters are “why would I limit myself anymore than I have already?”

                                                          • rnorris
                                                              Post count: 88

                                                              I think that traditional bowhunting (as we generally define it)cannot become mainstream. It’s more of a mindset than anything else.

                                                              “Mainstream” to me means “trendy”…..and we have all seen the trendy trad guys at the shoots, never without a Fedora, always with a plaid shirt….

                                                              I prefer guys who are true traditional bow shooters. Guys who get the history, get the challenge, without too much fanfare.

                                                              Just my opinion.

                                                            • Van/TX
                                                                Post count: 34

                                                                If traditional bowhunting was commonplace I’d take up a different sport. That’s why I also hunt with a handgun. I don’t like following the crowd…Van

                                                              • Fallguy
                                                                  Post count: 318

                                                                  Yes it should be more main stream. Every hunter should strive to learn woodcraft and be able to identify trees and birds of the forest. They should learn to navigate by land marks. They also should now how to build a fire with just a match and spend the night in the woods with a trap. Instead they will use a GPS to get around and if there is no Pope and Young score for it who cares. Now lets get back to that deer huntin show on the TV at the motel.

                                                                • heydeerman
                                                                    Post count: 45

                                                                    Duncan said it for me way back there. I think TBM is the best printed voice for traditional bowhunting out there. The various forums on the web do a good job at being “mainstream” but that is what technology does. If you think about it TBM is kinds archaic and out of date that way. It’s still printed.:D

                                                                  • trl242
                                                                      Post count: 28

                                                                      Personally, I would like it to be a little more mainstream so that there might be a few more hunting shows on tv, hosted by traditional hunters. I sorely miss Tred Barta, though he’s doing his best at his ‘come-back’ and it amazes me that there aren’t more shows like his on. They’ll put a guy on who hunts with a spear (???????) but they can’t throw a couple of traditional archery hunters on the Outdoor Channel. Other than that, I’m good with the way it is currently. Provided of course that 3 Rivers stays in business. I would hate to have to go shopping for supplies without them.

                                                                      It gets a little tiring sometimes to see a world full of compound supplies, shows, advertisements etc. It’s even difficult to find good targets (Thank heavens for archerytarget.com!) that can stand the daily abuse. I can’t tell you how many targets I go through a year and my son-in-law who shoots a compound has had the same target for 4 years.

                                                                      I think the unbiased observer would admit that we are harder on equipment, more particular about what we buy and from whom and don’t easily fall for marketing tricks. Thus, traditional will never be mainstream. We’re too hard to please.:D

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