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    • mhay
        Post count: 264

        I carry a duplicate of everything for my bow whenever on an a hunt that’ll remove me more than a quarter mile from the truck . All neatly stuffed into a homegrown leather possibles bag .

        Is this typical of some , most or all trad hunters ?

      • Brennan Herr
          Post count: 403

          I carry an extra string,glove, and stringer in my pack.

        • Jason Wesbrock
            Post count: 762

            I carry an extra string, although I’ve never needed it.

          • Alexandre Bugnon
              Post count: 681

              Extra string and glove stay all season at the bottom of my pack.

            • David Petersen
                Post count: 2749

                Ditto what Alex said. When I put a new string on a bow, the one I took off, if still functional, becomes the extra in my pack. Thus they get rotated out annually or so.

              • BuckyT
                  Post count: 138

                  I don’t carry an extra shooting glove.

                  I can shoot at my quarry bare handed if need be in warmer weather. In colder weather, I keep a pair of the wool liner gloves you can buy at any Army/Navy Store. Been wearing those for years and love them. Work fine shooting a bow too!

                  I carry my stringer and now I’ll be carrying a back up string because I just purchased my second string for my bow.

                  Not much needed for emergency’s trad bow hunting. One of the many appealing qualities that are associated with traditional archery.:wink:

                • Etter1
                    Post count: 831

                    I keep an extra shooting tab but that’s usually it.

                    When we go to blackbeard island, I bring an extra string.

                    Question for you guys:

                    Do you carry a bow square too? How else would you know if you got your brace height and nocking point correct? I know most of my strings are twisted 20-50 times and if it gets off, itll go out of tune.

                  • BuckyT
                      Post count: 138

                      Etter1 wrote: I keep an extra shooting tab but that’s usually it.

                      When we go to blackbeard island, I bring an extra string.

                      Question for you guys:

                      Do you carry a bow square too? How else would you know if you got your brace height and nocking point correct? I know most of my strings are twisted 20-50 times and if it gets off, itll go out of tune.

                      I can simply eyeball mine and get it pretty much there Etter. Buy my bow is pretty forgiving.

                      I’ve thought about carrying a bow square, but I’d bend that sucker to heck and back on a hunting trip..

                    • mhay
                        Post count: 264

                        During the time I was shooting in string #1 I made #2 . After I was certain #1 was shot in and satisfied with performance I carefully removed it without losing any twist , and then tied the ends together .

                        When I get the New warranty Super Kodiak , hopefully in a few short days , I’ll put one of these strings on it and see how she does .

                        Uh ,,,I don’t own a bow square ,,,,,,,,,,,hope ya won’t hold it agin me .

                      • Brennan Herr
                          Post count: 403

                          mark an arrow where it meets the riser then you will know if the brace height has changed…thats what I do and works well for me.

                        • Bruce Smithhammer
                            Post count: 2514

                            Extra string, extra tab & a stringer.

                          • Ben M.
                              Post count: 460

                              brennanherr wrote: mark an arrow where it meets the riser then you will know if the brace height has changed…thats what I do and works well for me.

                              Bingo. X2 on this.

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